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Pole Emploi AIF " Aide Individuelle à la Formation " program

Pole emploi advisor may use this program to request funding for trainings related to jobseeker professional project.

Funding amount are allocated case by case.

SuperJeanne courses are elegible for this program.

CPF " Compte personnel de formation " program

Jobseeker may use this program to request funding for trainings of  their choice.

Jobseeker must have been employed previously. 

Credit of 500 € per year worked up to 5.000 €.

Credit of 800 € per year worked up to 8.000 € for low or unqualified employees.

SuperJeanne courses are not elegible for this program at the moment.

Certification Qualiopi

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante : ACTIONS DE FORMATION

Cosmetic Valley
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